FYI below is my summary of the Agendas for TOMORROW'S Dec 9th Oshawa Community & Operations Committee morning meeting and Safety & Facilities Committee afternoon meeting.
My comments:
Imo, the parking utilization study should consider the number of downtown business vacancies before the consultant makes its final assessment, as it seems to be indicating in Section 4.4.6, that the current and 10 year forecast parking space utilization of the City’s parking system needs will meet the projected demand to 2034.
Also, I question the statement made in the report that "anticipated parking demand from new residential developments in the D.O.U.G.C. over the next decade is expected to be primarily accommodated on-site through developer-provided parking facilities". Almost without exception I believe development applications and approved applications lately include significantly fewer parking spaces than the Zoning By-law requires.
Note Report CO-24-61 specifically refers to the Union Cemetery By-law 76-2012 Imo it may be time to consider requirements for any proposed new Cemetery operations, that is, what guidelines and policy provisions could be set down for new Oshawa Cemetery applications and site locations.
Also, concerning Report SF-24-49: I am, and I know many others who also will be pleased to see Report SF-24-49 approved. This permits the City putting in place tiered and escalating penalties to ensure enforcement of the Heavy Vehicle Prohibition on certain Oshawa Roads with penalties ranging from $250 to $450!!
Imo, the parking utilization study should consider the number of downtown business vacancies before the consultant makes its final assessment, as it seems to be indicating in Section 4.4.6, that the current and 10 year forecast parking space utilization of the City’s parking system needs will meet the projected demand to 2034.
Also, I question the statement made in the report that "anticipated parking demand from new residential developments in the D.O.U.G.C. over the next decade is expected to be primarily accommodated on-site through developer-provided parking facilities". Almost without exception I believe development applications and approved applications lately include significantly fewer parking spaces than the Zoning By-law requires.
Note Report CO-24-61 specifically refers to the Union Cemetery By-law 76-2012 Imo it may be time to consider requirements for any proposed new Cemetery operations, that is, what guidelines and policy provisions could be set down for new Oshawa Cemetery applications and site locations.
Also, concerning Report SF-24-49: I am, and I know many others who also will be pleased to see Report SF-24-49 approved. This permits the City putting in place tiered and escalating penalties to ensure enforcement of the Heavy Vehicle Prohibition on certain Oshawa Roads with penalties ranging from $250 to $450!!