Extraordinary really! Who knew this was here. I didn't. September 22, 2020 CTV news made a lot of people aware! Here is a link to the news story: https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=2040926&jwsource=em
I was aware that a member of Oshawa Council was interested in seeing the City develop a bike park, and he did mention this location could work. But the fact that there was one running, off the radar to this extent is pretty incredible.
When the plan for a bike park was first discussed a year ago in June 2019, the motion to add it to the 2020 budget was tabled to have public engagement and determine public interest and then feasibility.
It is still on the Community Services Committee's Outstanding Items list.
If people want to speak to this, the time would be at Council this Monday as it happens that the Community Services Committee Outstanding Items Report is on the Agenda for Monday's 9:30 a.m. meeting.
It is Item number 12 in Report CS-20-36 and the original motion was CS-19-130 Bike Park Feasibility Assessment as worded here:
Whereas the Development Services Committee recommended to City Council on June 24, 2019, through Item DS-19-135:
Whereas mountain biking and BMX biking are growing sports nation-wide; and, Whereas there is a growing number of cyclists engaging in these two activities in Oshawa and surrounding areas; and,
Whereas mountain biking is an Olympic sport and BMX has been a demonstrator sport at the Olympics; and,
Whereas Brantford has just opened its Rotary Bike Park and have invited staff and Council to visit their facility;
Therefore be it resolved that the Development Services and Community Services staff be directed to investigate the feasibility, including costs, impacts and safety liabilities of developing a bike park for both mountain biking and BMX biking and prepare a report for a Joint Community Services and Development Services Committee meeting, including location options and costs in time for consideration in the upcoming 2020 budget.
I would have preferred staff inform Council what was going on, and been given a head's up concerning a plan to level the site.
In fact, if Council had learned even as late as Monday this week, the matter could have been added and considered at the Special Joint Development Services and Community Services meeting we had on Tuesday.
I'll say this again, no one likes being the last to find out.
I was aware that a member of Oshawa Council was interested in seeing the City develop a bike park, and he did mention this location could work. But the fact that there was one running, off the radar to this extent is pretty incredible.
When the plan for a bike park was first discussed a year ago in June 2019, the motion to add it to the 2020 budget was tabled to have public engagement and determine public interest and then feasibility.
It is still on the Community Services Committee's Outstanding Items list.
If people want to speak to this, the time would be at Council this Monday as it happens that the Community Services Committee Outstanding Items Report is on the Agenda for Monday's 9:30 a.m. meeting.
It is Item number 12 in Report CS-20-36 and the original motion was CS-19-130 Bike Park Feasibility Assessment as worded here:
Whereas the Development Services Committee recommended to City Council on June 24, 2019, through Item DS-19-135:
Whereas mountain biking and BMX biking are growing sports nation-wide; and, Whereas there is a growing number of cyclists engaging in these two activities in Oshawa and surrounding areas; and,
Whereas mountain biking is an Olympic sport and BMX has been a demonstrator sport at the Olympics; and,
Whereas Brantford has just opened its Rotary Bike Park and have invited staff and Council to visit their facility;
Therefore be it resolved that the Development Services and Community Services staff be directed to investigate the feasibility, including costs, impacts and safety liabilities of developing a bike park for both mountain biking and BMX biking and prepare a report for a Joint Community Services and Development Services Committee meeting, including location options and costs in time for consideration in the upcoming 2020 budget.
I would have preferred staff inform Council what was going on, and been given a head's up concerning a plan to level the site.
In fact, if Council had learned even as late as Monday this week, the matter could have been added and considered at the Special Joint Development Services and Community Services meeting we had on Tuesday.
I'll say this again, no one likes being the last to find out.

Besides noting as written above and below in this post that Brantford did not spend any City money constructing its successful $500K Bike park, and that the City's outstanding motion from June 2019 CS-19-130 calls for a public meeting to determine interest in a bike park in Oshawa (which seems clear there is!) I sent a dozen questions to Oshawa senior staff this morning. I remain hopeful there will be a positive outcome to the current situation.
In the CTV video about the ' hand-made bike park Greenland open-secret' you can see golfers in the background it seems from the back 9 fairway/green of the Airport Golf Course. Fyi here are a couple photos for a bit of an overview
In the CTV video about the ' hand-made bike park Greenland open-secret' you can see golfers in the background it seems from the back 9 fairway/green of the Airport Golf Course. Fyi here are a couple photos for a bit of an overview

At the Brantford Bike Park opening in 2019 here are the reported words of a Brantford Councillor and the president of the Cycling Club who with the Mayor and sponsors were proactive: "the park is one of few recreational facilities in Brantford that “didn’t cost the city a nickel because it was accomplished through sponsorship and volunteers."
“It’s just incredible how the community has embraced cycling,” said Ross.
He expressed gratitude to donors who contributed toward the $500,000 project, including the Ontario Trillium Foundation, Rotary Club of Brantford, Brant Waterways Foundation and Frank Cowan Co., which through its Hometown Program, also donated $3,000 for the purchase of about 50 cycling helmets that were given to children on Saturday.
Rotarian Rick Sterne said the club was looking for a legacy project to celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2017 when it decided to support the bike park. The club is “very proud to donate $100,000 to this park and the children of our community,” he said.
The Brant Cycling Club offers a summer youth program for children, aged 8 to 12. The program teaches cycling skills and drills at the bike park and beyond."
The Brantford Bike Park was constructed by Hoots Ltd. "Following several dedicated years of outreach, fundraising and meetings with the City and local authorities, a site was selected with plans moving forward.
Public engagement and a design workshop hosted by the Club in collaboration with Jay were held in summer 2017 with close to 100 people attending and representing local riders, park users, youth, parents and residents, alongside City Staff and local organizations. Input and ideas were shared, as well as concerns regarding the park and impact to the environment. In turn this input shaped the development in providing a positive community recreation facility that integrated well with Rotary Centennial Waterworks Park and the natural environment, made use of local resources and natural materials, and supported / expanded upon existing multi-use trails with benefits to all user groups.
Hoots Ltd. completed the Bike Skills Park in fall 2017 with support from local business, sponsorship and in-kind donations, alongside assistance from the Club, community and enthusiastic volunteers. In 2019, Hoots Ltd. returned to build an additional wood skills area and redevelop the start / return hill with additional wood ramp / drop entry features, alongside carrying out maintenance work with volunteers in time for the grand opening for the second season."http://www.hoots.ca/