Last evening's Committee of Adjustment meeting heard area residents concerns about the application for a commercial/residential plaza at 633 Greenhill Ave., South East Corner of Wilson Rd. N. and Greenhill. The Committee reserved its decision and it will be on the Agenda again in 2 weeks, June 23, 2021.
Safety is a big concern. For anyone thinking the plan for the wrap-around-the-corner building would be similar to what is at the Conlin and Simcoe corner ► Not only is the building at Conlin and Simcoe brick, not the ‘fiber concrete panels’ and glass planned for the Wilson/Greenhill project, but the actual Conlin/Simcoe INTERSECTION is absolutely not comparable! It is much larger, 6 lanes with turn lanes as opposed to the Wilson/Greenhill 2 lanes with no turn lanes. Besides, Simcoe St. is a Region arterial road which has Region ploughs working to keep it clear in the winter and it is in the middle of a Community Safety Zone where speeding tickets are doubled. It is a corner that is much SAFER and of a completely different character than the Wilson/Greenhill neighbourhood.
In addition, the planned new Wilson/Greenhill two-storey building extends from the eastern site limit and wraps around the corner to the southern site limit, with the drive-in access from Wilson Rd. under the residential units. This ends up placing the large surface parking lot completely behind the building and hidden from public view.
1. The kind of closed-in parking lot being planned is one many fear will be susceptible to safety and security issues - a haven that will attract nuisance and disturbance activities or criminal incidents, affect the well-being of the community, and even leave police attempting enforcement vulnerable to ambush.
2. The exterior stucco and glass cladding is not in keeping with the bricks and mortar of the neighbourhood in all directions.
Safety is a big concern. For anyone thinking the plan for the wrap-around-the-corner building would be similar to what is at the Conlin and Simcoe corner ► Not only is the building at Conlin and Simcoe brick, not the ‘fiber concrete panels’ and glass planned for the Wilson/Greenhill project, but the actual Conlin/Simcoe INTERSECTION is absolutely not comparable! It is much larger, 6 lanes with turn lanes as opposed to the Wilson/Greenhill 2 lanes with no turn lanes. Besides, Simcoe St. is a Region arterial road which has Region ploughs working to keep it clear in the winter and it is in the middle of a Community Safety Zone where speeding tickets are doubled. It is a corner that is much SAFER and of a completely different character than the Wilson/Greenhill neighbourhood.
In addition, the planned new Wilson/Greenhill two-storey building extends from the eastern site limit and wraps around the corner to the southern site limit, with the drive-in access from Wilson Rd. under the residential units. This ends up placing the large surface parking lot completely behind the building and hidden from public view.
1. The kind of closed-in parking lot being planned is one many fear will be susceptible to safety and security issues - a haven that will attract nuisance and disturbance activities or criminal incidents, affect the well-being of the community, and even leave police attempting enforcement vulnerable to ambush.
2. The exterior stucco and glass cladding is not in keeping with the bricks and mortar of the neighbourhood in all directions.