I know I ask a lot of questions...after my previous 36 questions (see Nov 28 blog post) here are the remaining (14) I submitted Nov 27th in writing as part of the Budget deliberation process... Staff answers received yesterday are below...imo some interesting information:
1. Where would I find the most recent annual net operating costs revenue/expenses/variances by facility location for the Civic, Harmon, Delpark, Donevan, South Oshawa, Northview, Childrens Arena
Year to date actuals are as follows: Civic: Revenues= Sl,410,501, Expenses= $2,423 ,321, Variance= S1,012 ,820
Harman: Revenues= $411,798, Expenses= $479,281, Variance= $67,484
Delpark: Revenues=$3,061,219, Expenses= $4, 982,868, Variance=$1,921 ,649
Donevan: Revenues = $564,130, Expenses=$1, 567,014 Variance= $1,002,884
South Oshawa: Revenues=$371,673 Expenses=$l,671,612 Variance$1,299,939
Northview: Revenues= $138, 513, Expenses= $790,574, Variance= $652,062
Children's Arena: Revenues=$133,492 expenses=$250,594 Variance=$117,103
2. Please provide list of the annual lease incomes for the other City facilities, including but not limited to other city facilities such as the Airport, OPUC 100 Simcoe St. S., Jubilee Pavilion, Telecommunication Towers, and any set offs. See attached at end.
3. Please provide a list of the current total 104 City facilities. See attached at end.
Is there still a corporate contingency fund or is it built into each department and project/program? Budgeted in Program 108
4. What sponsorship contracts were new in 2019, were any discontinued…and can the 2020 variance be elaborated? There were no new sponsorship contracts in 2019. Discontinued for 2019 were OPUC – Bright & Merry Market; TD Bank – Oshawa Celebrates; Bell & Telmax - Canada Day; Harmonv Hill Retirement - Peony Festival; 2020 Budget was decreased to reflect the right sizing of anticipated sponsorship revenues as well as a decrease in advertising renewals. These are two different revenue approaches and need different skill sets and there is already a cross functional grants team.
5. Does the City still have a commitment to UOIT to provide $700,000 to the downtown campus dependent upon UOIT achieving 3,000 full time students enrolled in and attending programs provided by UOIT at the downtown campus. As directed by Council this commitment will be funded by internal debt. Is this no longer a debt? NO
6. Are there personnel savings that could be made by delaying the replacement of vacancies where service levels and program delivery would not be impacted in the short term? Salary savings from vacancies have already been factored into the budget.
7. Is there a total for staff seminars and training? How much does the delegation of authority by-law allow for costs decisions related to staff seminars and training? Is there a policy for Council to have oversight on the approval of education expenses? There are no budget reports available with this Information. Council approves these through budget process Only policy Council endorsed the Education Reimbursement policy - funding for these are approved through budget
8. Where is a breakdown of the overtime costs by branch year to date for 2019? The YTD total for overtime In 2019 is $2.2 million however this amount includes banked time which will, if taken as time off, reduce the cost of overtime. Branch breakdown attached.
9. What are the net costs, revenue/expenses year to date for the City’s new wedding program? Total Expenses $14,276.26; Total Revenues $28,675.00; Total revenue over expenses $14,398.74
10. Is there a chart somewhere showing the annual balance of the Tribute Communities Centre Reserve since it was established? 2015= $118,000; 2016=$288,000; 2017=$99 ,000; 2018=$324,000
11. Could you provide a detailed description about the Reserves ‘held on behalf of others fund’ and the $3,090,837 balance? This is the library Facilities and Materials Development Charge reserve
12. The Infrastructure Reserve has the highest balance at $9,218,750. Although there is the policy related to increasing infrastructure reserves, can you provide details on if there is a limit on how much and when it can be drawn on until it reaches a certain amount. Contributions to this reserve increase by .1 % of taxation annually and expenditures are limited to 10% of the uncommitted balance. As indicated in the 2020 Capital Budget Overview, there are infrastructure needs of approximately $531 million in the next 10 years
13. Which Reserve is the $800,000+ for the unfinished trail east of the Delpark Homes Centre Commissioner Munro referred to at the Nov 22, 2019 Budget meeting? The funds for the trail are in the Parks, Recreation and Trail Development Charge Reserve and the Growth Related Non Development Charge Reserve {Project 50·0012)
14. The 2020 Capital Reserve Summary shows 4 Reserves with deficits. Where are the funds drawn from to cover those deficits, which seem to total around $2.5M? Two of the reserves (Admin Growth and Fire) are Development Charge reserves and any shortfalls will either be recouped through reserve contributions received from developers or will be recovered In future Development Charge calculations. The Airport Reserve deficit will be covered through future land sales. The IT Reserve deficit is a timing variance and will be addressed through increased contributions in the 2020 budget.
1. Where would I find the most recent annual net operating costs revenue/expenses/variances by facility location for the Civic, Harmon, Delpark, Donevan, South Oshawa, Northview, Childrens Arena
Year to date actuals are as follows: Civic: Revenues= Sl,410,501, Expenses= $2,423 ,321, Variance= S1,012 ,820
Harman: Revenues= $411,798, Expenses= $479,281, Variance= $67,484
Delpark: Revenues=$3,061,219, Expenses= $4, 982,868, Variance=$1,921 ,649
Donevan: Revenues = $564,130, Expenses=$1, 567,014 Variance= $1,002,884
South Oshawa: Revenues=$371,673 Expenses=$l,671,612 Variance$1,299,939
Northview: Revenues= $138, 513, Expenses= $790,574, Variance= $652,062
Children's Arena: Revenues=$133,492 expenses=$250,594 Variance=$117,103
2. Please provide list of the annual lease incomes for the other City facilities, including but not limited to other city facilities such as the Airport, OPUC 100 Simcoe St. S., Jubilee Pavilion, Telecommunication Towers, and any set offs. See attached at end.
3. Please provide a list of the current total 104 City facilities. See attached at end.
Is there still a corporate contingency fund or is it built into each department and project/program? Budgeted in Program 108
4. What sponsorship contracts were new in 2019, were any discontinued…and can the 2020 variance be elaborated? There were no new sponsorship contracts in 2019. Discontinued for 2019 were OPUC – Bright & Merry Market; TD Bank – Oshawa Celebrates; Bell & Telmax - Canada Day; Harmonv Hill Retirement - Peony Festival; 2020 Budget was decreased to reflect the right sizing of anticipated sponsorship revenues as well as a decrease in advertising renewals. These are two different revenue approaches and need different skill sets and there is already a cross functional grants team.
5. Does the City still have a commitment to UOIT to provide $700,000 to the downtown campus dependent upon UOIT achieving 3,000 full time students enrolled in and attending programs provided by UOIT at the downtown campus. As directed by Council this commitment will be funded by internal debt. Is this no longer a debt? NO
6. Are there personnel savings that could be made by delaying the replacement of vacancies where service levels and program delivery would not be impacted in the short term? Salary savings from vacancies have already been factored into the budget.
7. Is there a total for staff seminars and training? How much does the delegation of authority by-law allow for costs decisions related to staff seminars and training? Is there a policy for Council to have oversight on the approval of education expenses? There are no budget reports available with this Information. Council approves these through budget process Only policy Council endorsed the Education Reimbursement policy - funding for these are approved through budget
8. Where is a breakdown of the overtime costs by branch year to date for 2019? The YTD total for overtime In 2019 is $2.2 million however this amount includes banked time which will, if taken as time off, reduce the cost of overtime. Branch breakdown attached.
9. What are the net costs, revenue/expenses year to date for the City’s new wedding program? Total Expenses $14,276.26; Total Revenues $28,675.00; Total revenue over expenses $14,398.74
10. Is there a chart somewhere showing the annual balance of the Tribute Communities Centre Reserve since it was established? 2015= $118,000; 2016=$288,000; 2017=$99 ,000; 2018=$324,000
11. Could you provide a detailed description about the Reserves ‘held on behalf of others fund’ and the $3,090,837 balance? This is the library Facilities and Materials Development Charge reserve
12. The Infrastructure Reserve has the highest balance at $9,218,750. Although there is the policy related to increasing infrastructure reserves, can you provide details on if there is a limit on how much and when it can be drawn on until it reaches a certain amount. Contributions to this reserve increase by .1 % of taxation annually and expenditures are limited to 10% of the uncommitted balance. As indicated in the 2020 Capital Budget Overview, there are infrastructure needs of approximately $531 million in the next 10 years
13. Which Reserve is the $800,000+ for the unfinished trail east of the Delpark Homes Centre Commissioner Munro referred to at the Nov 22, 2019 Budget meeting? The funds for the trail are in the Parks, Recreation and Trail Development Charge Reserve and the Growth Related Non Development Charge Reserve {Project 50·0012)
14. The 2020 Capital Reserve Summary shows 4 Reserves with deficits. Where are the funds drawn from to cover those deficits, which seem to total around $2.5M? Two of the reserves (Admin Growth and Fire) are Development Charge reserves and any shortfalls will either be recouped through reserve contributions received from developers or will be recovered In future Development Charge calculations. The Airport Reserve deficit will be covered through future land sales. The IT Reserve deficit is a timing variance and will be addressed through increased contributions in the 2020 budget.