Details on the Town of Ajax speed camera program can be found here: Ajax is deploying cameras in its 14 community safety zones on Town owned and maintained roads. The first three cameras were deployed last month. This all came to be as a result of a motion of Ajax Council.
The City of Pickering was the 11th municipality in Ontario to sign on for automated speed enforcement cameras. It signed agreements last year in the amount of $385,000.00 for the operation of two cameras, on a six week rotation in its 13 community safety zones. See Report ENG-05-21
"Excessive speed continues to be a concern raised by residents and Members of Council and negatively impacts our community and its safety. While Durham Regional Police Services (DRPS) has been able to provide traditional speed enforcement both proactively and reactively, resources are limited. DRPS presence will result in an increase in speed compliance, but this compliance is only temporary. Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) is a relatively new technology, and is rapidly becoming a proven and effective way to enforce speed limits and provide safer roads for our pedestrians, other motorists and cyclists."
It is time Oshawa Council initiate a similar speed radar camera program as Ajax and Pickering!
BACKSTORY: In 2017 the Province passed the Safer School Zone Act to allow the Automated Speed Enforcement Cameras in School Zones and Community Safety Zones. Durham Region’s Vision Zero program began in 2020. In 2021 the Region installed twelve red light cameras and four automated speed enforcement cameras on Regional roads.
FYI, here are the locations for the 12 Regional Road intersections where the Region installed red-light cameras :
ALSO, here are the locations where the Region installed 4 Automated Speed Enforcement Cameras on a rotation basis through school community safety zones on Regional Roads:
I submitted my Notice of Motion Potential to initiate Radar Cameras Agreement to the January 24, 2022 Council meeting. It was sent to the Monday Feb 14, 2022 Community Services (CS) Committee meeting Agenda as CS-22-08. It is relatively short, only three lines:
Here is the link where you can hear the Mayor and Councillors' comments and vote at the Feb 14 Committee meeting:
At Committee, the elected who spoke against the motion claimed it was premature! But, last year wasn't premature for Ajax or Pickering! Why would any elected maintain Oshawa should put off investigating radar speed cameras in known City hot spots for speeders because they want to wait for the Region??
Unfortunately, 4 of the 6 member CS Committee 4 voted the Radar Camera Motion be ‘received for information’, which means no action, and 2 Councillors voted against just receiving it for information.
At the upcoming City Council Meeting Tuesday Feb 22 hopefully at least 6 members of Council's 11 voting members will vote to pass the Radar Cameras motion CS-22-08 and see the action advanced: that staff investigate a local radar speed camera program and survey Oshawa residents interest in having them installed in speeding hot spots.
The Town of Ajax managed to get its own program up and running quickly, independent of the Region! It now has 3 cameras on a rotation basis at a cost less than the cost of 3 traffic lights, which will have recovery costs, not just monetary, but safety. Pickering now has an agreement in place for 2 rotating cameras.
If you believe road/pedestrian/cyclist safety should be a priority of Oshawa Council, please email [email protected] and [email protected] in support of CS-22-08 before Monday night. Make it known time should not be lost. A 'receive for information motion' or a tabling motion are unacceptable. Oshawa should not be dragging its feet on this but ensure this tool is made available on local Oshawa roads to help make Oshawa communities safer.
The City of Pickering was the 11th municipality in Ontario to sign on for automated speed enforcement cameras. It signed agreements last year in the amount of $385,000.00 for the operation of two cameras, on a six week rotation in its 13 community safety zones. See Report ENG-05-21
"Excessive speed continues to be a concern raised by residents and Members of Council and negatively impacts our community and its safety. While Durham Regional Police Services (DRPS) has been able to provide traditional speed enforcement both proactively and reactively, resources are limited. DRPS presence will result in an increase in speed compliance, but this compliance is only temporary. Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) is a relatively new technology, and is rapidly becoming a proven and effective way to enforce speed limits and provide safer roads for our pedestrians, other motorists and cyclists."
It is time Oshawa Council initiate a similar speed radar camera program as Ajax and Pickering!
BACKSTORY: In 2017 the Province passed the Safer School Zone Act to allow the Automated Speed Enforcement Cameras in School Zones and Community Safety Zones. Durham Region’s Vision Zero program began in 2020. In 2021 the Region installed twelve red light cameras and four automated speed enforcement cameras on Regional roads.
FYI, here are the locations for the 12 Regional Road intersections where the Region installed red-light cameras :
ALSO, here are the locations where the Region installed 4 Automated Speed Enforcement Cameras on a rotation basis through school community safety zones on Regional Roads:
I submitted my Notice of Motion Potential to initiate Radar Cameras Agreement to the January 24, 2022 Council meeting. It was sent to the Monday Feb 14, 2022 Community Services (CS) Committee meeting Agenda as CS-22-08. It is relatively short, only three lines:
- Whereas the Region of Durham initiated Vision Zero and the radar cameras in certain locations around the Region
- Whereas the Town of Ajax and the Town of Whitby are investigating entering into similar agreements with radar camera providers;
- Now therefore staff investigate the costs for the City of Oshawa to enter into an agreement with radar camera providers and survey Oshawa residents interest in having them installed in hot spots in the City for where speeding is most prevalent
Here is the link where you can hear the Mayor and Councillors' comments and vote at the Feb 14 Committee meeting:
At Committee, the elected who spoke against the motion claimed it was premature! But, last year wasn't premature for Ajax or Pickering! Why would any elected maintain Oshawa should put off investigating radar speed cameras in known City hot spots for speeders because they want to wait for the Region??
Unfortunately, 4 of the 6 member CS Committee 4 voted the Radar Camera Motion be ‘received for information’, which means no action, and 2 Councillors voted against just receiving it for information.
At the upcoming City Council Meeting Tuesday Feb 22 hopefully at least 6 members of Council's 11 voting members will vote to pass the Radar Cameras motion CS-22-08 and see the action advanced: that staff investigate a local radar speed camera program and survey Oshawa residents interest in having them installed in speeding hot spots.
The Town of Ajax managed to get its own program up and running quickly, independent of the Region! It now has 3 cameras on a rotation basis at a cost less than the cost of 3 traffic lights, which will have recovery costs, not just monetary, but safety. Pickering now has an agreement in place for 2 rotating cameras.
If you believe road/pedestrian/cyclist safety should be a priority of Oshawa Council, please email [email protected] and [email protected] in support of CS-22-08 before Monday night. Make it known time should not be lost. A 'receive for information motion' or a tabling motion are unacceptable. Oshawa should not be dragging its feet on this but ensure this tool is made available on local Oshawa roads to help make Oshawa communities safer.