Below is my one-page summary of the 9:30 a.m. Oshawa Corporate and Finance Committee Meeting Agenda Monday May 6, 2024; and 1:30 p.m. Economic Development Committee Meeting Agenda+ Public Planning Act Public meeting. For details see the City website pages here for Corporate & Finance Agenda:
and here for the Economic & Development Agenda:
Of items on the 2 meeting agendas there is ONE I AM HUGELY CONCERNED ABOUT! ED-24-57 which has staff sending the Conlin Rd/Grandview road reconstruction back, letting Treasure Hill out of their failed agreement and sending the whole matter back to be included in the 2025 Mayor's budget??? It should have been under construction NOW!
NOTE the 'must read' with the backstory in Report DS-22-07 "In 2018, Request for Proposal C2018-074, Conlin Road Roundabout Design was awarded to CIMA+ Canada Inc. in the amount of $121,032 exclusive of H.S.T. in accordance with Report CNCL-18-51 and the Purchasing By-law.
Back then City staff wrote "the construction of the Conlin Road East and Grandview Street North intersection to its ultimate form will permit development along the north side of Conlin Road East to occur as quickly as possible without requiring the need to potentially freeze/hold parcels of the land. It was originally contemplated that these concerns would be resolved through Project 73-0485, the detailed design for the reconstruction of Conlin Road East from Ritson Road North to Townline Road North. Project 73-0485 was approved in the 2020 Capital Budget and is expected to be tendered by the end of the first Quarter of 2022."
THEN at the start of 2022 "in report DS-22-07 the project was rescoped and expanded with an additional $60K approved to extend the design for the project a further 250 metres (820 ft.) to the east for the following key reasons:
a) Expanding the scope will improve vehicular and pedestrian safety in both the short term and long term by reducing the grades for vehicular traffic and introducing a multi-use path for pedestrians;
b) Expanding the scope will provide a multi-use path connection from Grandview St N to Kurelo Dr. and provide safe access to Mackie Park from either street;
c) Expanding the scope will allow safe pedestrian access to transit and transit stops through the addition of the multi-use path and sidewalk;
d) Expanding the scope will result in savings to the City as CIMA+ has familiarity with the project;
e) Expanding the scope may limit the disruption to the surrounding community to one construction season; and,
f) Expanding the scope will facilitate development in the Kedron Part II Plan.
and here for the Economic & Development Agenda:
Of items on the 2 meeting agendas there is ONE I AM HUGELY CONCERNED ABOUT! ED-24-57 which has staff sending the Conlin Rd/Grandview road reconstruction back, letting Treasure Hill out of their failed agreement and sending the whole matter back to be included in the 2025 Mayor's budget??? It should have been under construction NOW!
NOTE the 'must read' with the backstory in Report DS-22-07 "In 2018, Request for Proposal C2018-074, Conlin Road Roundabout Design was awarded to CIMA+ Canada Inc. in the amount of $121,032 exclusive of H.S.T. in accordance with Report CNCL-18-51 and the Purchasing By-law.
Back then City staff wrote "the construction of the Conlin Road East and Grandview Street North intersection to its ultimate form will permit development along the north side of Conlin Road East to occur as quickly as possible without requiring the need to potentially freeze/hold parcels of the land. It was originally contemplated that these concerns would be resolved through Project 73-0485, the detailed design for the reconstruction of Conlin Road East from Ritson Road North to Townline Road North. Project 73-0485 was approved in the 2020 Capital Budget and is expected to be tendered by the end of the first Quarter of 2022."
THEN at the start of 2022 "in report DS-22-07 the project was rescoped and expanded with an additional $60K approved to extend the design for the project a further 250 metres (820 ft.) to the east for the following key reasons:
a) Expanding the scope will improve vehicular and pedestrian safety in both the short term and long term by reducing the grades for vehicular traffic and introducing a multi-use path for pedestrians;
b) Expanding the scope will provide a multi-use path connection from Grandview St N to Kurelo Dr. and provide safe access to Mackie Park from either street;
c) Expanding the scope will allow safe pedestrian access to transit and transit stops through the addition of the multi-use path and sidewalk;
d) Expanding the scope will result in savings to the City as CIMA+ has familiarity with the project;
e) Expanding the scope may limit the disruption to the surrounding community to one construction season; and,
f) Expanding the scope will facilitate development in the Kedron Part II Plan.