The Rotary Park Pool opened today and is offering free leisure swimming all summer long!
Earlier this year, at the March 18, 2109 Council meeting I was happy to move the following motion regarding Rotary Pool that prompted Oshawa Council to take an initiative to raise awareness of the only City owned outdoor pool remaining in Oshawa:
" that during the hours the pool is open to the public for non-instructional programming that there be no admission charge’.” Carried on the following vote Affirmative – Councillors Giberson, Marimpietri, McConkey, Nicholson and Mayor Carter Negative – Councillors Gray, Hurst, Kerr and Marks
I believe if enough Oshawa citizens enjoy free leisure swimming at Rotary Park, 254 Centre St. S. this summer and voice their support of keeping the pool open there is a chance it will be saved. Although the pool, playground and change rooms need major and costly improvements in the near future, this is the time to let us know how strong a desire citizens have to keep it open.
Earlier this year, at the March 18, 2109 Council meeting I was happy to move the following motion regarding Rotary Pool that prompted Oshawa Council to take an initiative to raise awareness of the only City owned outdoor pool remaining in Oshawa:
" that during the hours the pool is open to the public for non-instructional programming that there be no admission charge’.” Carried on the following vote Affirmative – Councillors Giberson, Marimpietri, McConkey, Nicholson and Mayor Carter Negative – Councillors Gray, Hurst, Kerr and Marks
I believe if enough Oshawa citizens enjoy free leisure swimming at Rotary Park, 254 Centre St. S. this summer and voice their support of keeping the pool open there is a chance it will be saved. Although the pool, playground and change rooms need major and costly improvements in the near future, this is the time to let us know how strong a desire citizens have to keep it open.
The previous Oshawa Council conducted a Feasibility Study of the Pool. In the report presented to the new Council in January 2019, the use of the pool and costs were reported as: "In 2018, the facility had an average attendance of 70.5 people per day. The 2018 annual operating budget for Rotary Pool and adjacent splash pad (including daily general maintenance, staffing and program expenses) was $105,000/year."