First south to Lakeview Park Beach. The task was to get cigarette butts out of the sand! And boy there were a lot!! (The long tongs handed out at Thursday afternoon's Downtown with Brooms cleanup sure came in handy for picking up butts.) Also saw Mayor Carter, Councillors Chapman, Gray and Nicholson at the beach cleanup, which was organized by Catherine Hawthorne with the Blue Dot Movement and Oshawa Fire Services IAFF465 members.
Then north to the Columbus community clean up organized by the Columbus United Church and neighbours. Many hands make the work light, and by the end of the afternoon there were 14 bags. Stephen LaForest, pictured here, helped make sure the bags were brought to the curb for Monday's garbage collection. (Amazing how many broken car parts can be found in road addition to Tim Horton's coffee cups!)
Then north to the Columbus community clean up organized by the Columbus United Church and neighbours. Many hands make the work light, and by the end of the afternoon there were 14 bags. Stephen LaForest, pictured here, helped make sure the bags were brought to the curb for Monday's garbage collection. (Amazing how many broken car parts can be found in road addition to Tim Horton's coffee cups!)