The Community Services Committee meeting matters ranged from parking spaces, food providers to the needy, traffic calming measures, an outdoor natural ice rink, large item garbage pick-up expansion and installing an orange cross-walk :
1. A delegation and request from Biltmore Theatre, 39 King St. E. for leasing 2 parking spaces to be shared between 2 neighbours, and be paid for by the Biltmore at a rate prescribed by the help anchor the facility for live entertainment which draws people to downtown Oshawa.
Background here is that these 2 parking spaces were dedicated to the previous owner, including 2 building neighbors. Comments are that it seems common sense, and Council members indicate support for the motion, only questions about whether there will be a sublease. The monthly rate is $73 +HST. Just 2 signs that will need to be updated. (The motion from Councillor Kerr is copied below) Biltmore is willing to pay everyday for use, plus donating use free of charge to the Salvation Army the 2 spaces 3 mornings a week free of charge. Recorded vote: 5 affirmative, no negative, Mayor Carter.
1. A delegation and request from Biltmore Theatre, 39 King St. E. for leasing 2 parking spaces to be shared between 2 neighbours, and be paid for by the Biltmore at a rate prescribed by the help anchor the facility for live entertainment which draws people to downtown Oshawa.
Background here is that these 2 parking spaces were dedicated to the previous owner, including 2 building neighbors. Comments are that it seems common sense, and Council members indicate support for the motion, only questions about whether there will be a sublease. The monthly rate is $73 +HST. Just 2 signs that will need to be updated. (The motion from Councillor Kerr is copied below) Biltmore is willing to pay everyday for use, plus donating use free of charge to the Salvation Army the 2 spaces 3 mornings a week free of charge. Recorded vote: 5 affirmative, no negative, Mayor Carter.
2. Delegation and request for a renewal of the Community Assisted Meal Program (CAMP) Road Occupancy Permit (ROP) which expires Nov 1st, request renewal for 6 months. The Mayor first made a motion to 'receive for information' the letter from John Walker for the extension. He withdrew it when Councillor John Gray made a referral to staff for a report (about litter clean up) and that "the operations be allowed to continue until the report comes back."
This motion was voted down and the matter was tabled to the end of the meeting.
At the end of the meeting Councillor Kerr introduced a motion as below to extend the ROP until March 31st. Mayor Carter said this organization needs to collaborate more with the other social support providers, that they haven't in the past and it is a concern to him. Councillor Nicholson says this says the wrong message, that the City is indicating to the CAMP organizers and volunteers that they are put on notice if they don't change their ways the ROP will not be extended in April and this is not right. If the problem is litter then the City should put Tim Hortons on notice too. (the motion is copied below) The vote was 4 affirmative, 2 absent (Councillor Neal who gave notice he had to attend a funeral and Councillor Gray who left the meeting).
This motion was voted down and the matter was tabled to the end of the meeting.
At the end of the meeting Councillor Kerr introduced a motion as below to extend the ROP until March 31st. Mayor Carter said this organization needs to collaborate more with the other social support providers, that they haven't in the past and it is a concern to him. Councillor Nicholson says this says the wrong message, that the City is indicating to the CAMP organizers and volunteers that they are put on notice if they don't change their ways the ROP will not be extended in April and this is not right. If the problem is litter then the City should put Tim Hortons on notice too. (the motion is copied below) The vote was 4 affirmative, 2 absent (Councillor Neal who gave notice he had to attend a funeral and Councillor Gray who left the meeting).
3. Letter "CS-21-103" from Snow Ridge Trail requesting support "to implement traffic calming measures such as but not limited to, reducing the speed limit from 80 km to 60 km/hr, speed radar cameras set-up, a roundabout at Simcoe St N. and Coates Road, and an all-way stop at Snow Ridge Court and Simcoe St." received a motion to refer it to the Region.
4. CS-21-105 - Fleet Services Decarbonization Strategy Report. Councillor Derek Giberson made an amending motion for the City to adopt a new purchasing policy for electric vehicles up to 30% more in price than a carbon combustion vehicle. (see motion copied below) Staff were questions and stated they would like to see the recharge station infrastructure in place better first. Councillor Gray made a motion to table the matter which basically leaves it in a state of suspension like cryogenic sleep, until someone at sometime in the future moves to lift it from the table.
Under Items to be Introduced by members of Council the following motions were made:
5. Motion to investigating an expansion of the City's large item pick up for apartment renters, that under the current policy the apartment owner calls and there is one free pick up per building. With this motion there is the opportunity for the apartment renter to call for their unit once a the current policy, additional pick-ups in the same year are $35. Motion referred to staff for a report.
6. Motion for a public natural ice rink this winter 2021/2022, which was:
Whereas following the many constraints the pandemic has imposed on activities in the City for the past 20 months and that the residents of Oshawa will benefit from a public outdoor rink this winter 2021/2022, and
Whereas the City is currently investigating the specifics of the operational efficiencies of constructing a refrigerated outdoor ice rink to a recreation centre that currently has existing ice surface refrigeration equipment; and
Whereas the Delpark Homes Centre has an appropriate sized level location east of the south parking lot for a natural ice surface this winter, and it is a location that has parking, is on a bus route, and also has indoor public washrooms in proximity;
Now therefore City council approve the location of the city owned sports field east of the Delpark Homes south parking lot to construct an outdoor natural ice skating area and
1. that staff be authorized to proceed with the construction of this outdoor natural ice skating surface as a pilot program for 2021/2022; and
2. that the cost of the pilot project be funded from sponsorship revenues, if available, and from the Community Services operating budget;
3. that staff report back on this pilot project in the 2nd quarter of 2022.
As I am not a member of the CS committee, I had submitted this motion to the Mayor asking him to introduce it. However, as Councillor Neal had to leave the meeting early to attend a funeral, he asked that the Agenda be altered so that my Motion to be brought forward earlier and that it be referred back to staff for a report. The Mayor instead referred it to the budget deliberations.
7. Motion to reduce speed from 50 to 40km on Attersley as the street approaches where the 40km starts by the school. Motion passed.
8. Motion to consider an orange cross walk to honor Indigenous people and actively work toward Truth and Reconciliation. Motion referred to staff.
4. CS-21-105 - Fleet Services Decarbonization Strategy Report. Councillor Derek Giberson made an amending motion for the City to adopt a new purchasing policy for electric vehicles up to 30% more in price than a carbon combustion vehicle. (see motion copied below) Staff were questions and stated they would like to see the recharge station infrastructure in place better first. Councillor Gray made a motion to table the matter which basically leaves it in a state of suspension like cryogenic sleep, until someone at sometime in the future moves to lift it from the table.
Under Items to be Introduced by members of Council the following motions were made:
5. Motion to investigating an expansion of the City's large item pick up for apartment renters, that under the current policy the apartment owner calls and there is one free pick up per building. With this motion there is the opportunity for the apartment renter to call for their unit once a the current policy, additional pick-ups in the same year are $35. Motion referred to staff for a report.
6. Motion for a public natural ice rink this winter 2021/2022, which was:
Whereas following the many constraints the pandemic has imposed on activities in the City for the past 20 months and that the residents of Oshawa will benefit from a public outdoor rink this winter 2021/2022, and
Whereas the City is currently investigating the specifics of the operational efficiencies of constructing a refrigerated outdoor ice rink to a recreation centre that currently has existing ice surface refrigeration equipment; and
Whereas the Delpark Homes Centre has an appropriate sized level location east of the south parking lot for a natural ice surface this winter, and it is a location that has parking, is on a bus route, and also has indoor public washrooms in proximity;
Now therefore City council approve the location of the city owned sports field east of the Delpark Homes south parking lot to construct an outdoor natural ice skating area and
1. that staff be authorized to proceed with the construction of this outdoor natural ice skating surface as a pilot program for 2021/2022; and
2. that the cost of the pilot project be funded from sponsorship revenues, if available, and from the Community Services operating budget;
3. that staff report back on this pilot project in the 2nd quarter of 2022.
As I am not a member of the CS committee, I had submitted this motion to the Mayor asking him to introduce it. However, as Councillor Neal had to leave the meeting early to attend a funeral, he asked that the Agenda be altered so that my Motion to be brought forward earlier and that it be referred back to staff for a report. The Mayor instead referred it to the budget deliberations.
7. Motion to reduce speed from 50 to 40km on Attersley as the street approaches where the 40km starts by the school. Motion passed.
8. Motion to consider an orange cross walk to honor Indigenous people and actively work toward Truth and Reconciliation. Motion referred to staff.
Under Items to be Introduced by members of Council the following motions were made:
5. Motion to investigating an expansion of the City's large item pick up for apartment renters, that under the current policy the apartment owner calls and there is one free pick up per building. With this motion there is the opportunity for the apartment renter to call for their unit once a the current policy, additional pick-ups in the same year are $35. Motion referred to staff for a report.
6. Motion for a public natural ice rink this winter 2021/2022, which the Mayor referred to the budget deliberations.
7. Motion to reduce speed from 50 to 40km on Attersley as the street approaches where the 40km starts by the school. Motion passed.
8. Motion to consider an orange cross walk to honor Indigenous people and actively work toward Truth and Reconciliation. Motion referred to staff.
5. Motion to investigating an expansion of the City's large item pick up for apartment renters, that under the current policy the apartment owner calls and there is one free pick up per building. With this motion there is the opportunity for the apartment renter to call for their unit once a the current policy, additional pick-ups in the same year are $35. Motion referred to staff for a report.
6. Motion for a public natural ice rink this winter 2021/2022, which the Mayor referred to the budget deliberations.
7. Motion to reduce speed from 50 to 40km on Attersley as the street approaches where the 40km starts by the school. Motion passed.
8. Motion to consider an orange cross walk to honor Indigenous people and actively work toward Truth and Reconciliation. Motion referred to staff.