I submitted the Notice of Motion (below) at last week's City Council meeting about addressing the need for PUBLIC WASHROOMS in the downtown. You can help see this plan implemented by showing support with an email to [email protected] and [email protected] Thank you! Fyi Security are at City Hall, just across the hall from the accessible washrooms 24/7. I don't see any reason why this plan could not be accommodated.
City Hall is the one place in downtown Oshawa where there is a manned security room 24/7 directly across the hall from 2 accessible washrooms. The security office could have control of washroom key pass, like in a gas station or common in multi business office buildings. There is daily clearing of City Hall too. Imo it is a good go to place to go ::). The Johnny-on-the-Spots were a disaster last summer, Imo it is a way to curb the defecation/urination problem on the downtown sidewalks and alleyways. A public washroom sign with arrows at the corner of Centre St. and Bagot St.