"October 1st each year is National Seniors Day, which coincides with the United Nations International Day of Older Persons and is an occasion for Canadians to celebrate contributions of seniors in our homes, communities and workplaces."
Below is a picture of the flag the City of Oshawa raised in acknowledgement of the International Day of Older Persons.
Durham Region's population is approx 700,000, and older adults aged 55+ make up almost 28%, or roughly 198,000 residents.
Of the Region's 8 lower tier municipalities, the City of Oshawa has the largest proportion of residents over the age of 65.
In the next 25 years the number of seniors over the age of 65 in Ontario is projected to double from 2.5 million to 4.5 million.
"According to the Revera Report on Ageism (2014) roughly 60 per cent of Canadians aged 66 or older have experienced ageism, and it is the most accepted form of social discrimination in Canada."
Below is a picture of the flag the City of Oshawa raised in acknowledgement of the International Day of Older Persons.
Durham Region's population is approx 700,000, and older adults aged 55+ make up almost 28%, or roughly 198,000 residents.
Of the Region's 8 lower tier municipalities, the City of Oshawa has the largest proportion of residents over the age of 65.
In the next 25 years the number of seniors over the age of 65 in Ontario is projected to double from 2.5 million to 4.5 million.
"According to the Revera Report on Ageism (2014) roughly 60 per cent of Canadians aged 66 or older have experienced ageism, and it is the most accepted form of social discrimination in Canada."