Here's your opportunity to register a complaint about parking problems in your neighbourhood! Open the link and complete the survey and also be sure and pinpoint the location of your Oshawa parking problem on the crowdsourcing map! You have until Wed. 4:30 April 23 before Phase 1 of this study closes!
There are a lot more than the 14 locations across Oshawa that as of today citizens have taken the time to pin point on the map.
A shout out to Ward 1 residents: PLEASE get your concerns marked on the City's crowdsourcing map which is part of the Parking Study!!! 4 days remain in this Phase 1 part of the study to register your complaint!
A shout out to Ward 1 residents: PLEASE get your concerns marked on the City's crowdsourcing map which is part of the Parking Study!!! 4 days remain in this Phase 1 part of the study to register your complaint!