June 26, 2023 before summer break, 6 members of Oshawa Council voted to cancel the community-led, landmark ♥OSHAWA sign project. Many individuals in other city's like Hamilton and Barrie recently succeeded with creative fundraising efforts to install their City's name in lights and promote community spirit. The Oshawa Sign Project, led by Oshawa resident volunteers, under the guidance of an Oshawan with extensive marketing experience, and who was a key fundraiser for Ronald McDonald House Canada, was a good initiative and I am hopeful a positive outcome could still prevail.
But meanwhile I wonder why some individuals seemed determined to derail a project that was led by community spirited residents who were working on gathering donations to fund an OSHAWA sign. When, at the same time, in fact at the same Council meeting Councillors approved a sign project costing $880,000 in development charges for 4 'NW' Northwood Business Park signs. It begs the real question, is this best use for this $880,000 development charge money, 4 signs to oddly mark where large corporations like Broccolini and Panattoni are building storage warehouses?? As a friend recently said, couldn't Oshawa Council just have put a Northwood Business Park rider on the Conlin Rd and Thornton Rd street signs at far less a cost. This could free up the DC $880,000 from reserves to pay for a new or redeveloped neighbourhood park with splash pad? I know the public is happy to stand behind the six Oshawa letters to celebrate their City, I can't say the same for the NW signs.
But meanwhile I wonder why some individuals seemed determined to derail a project that was led by community spirited residents who were working on gathering donations to fund an OSHAWA sign. When, at the same time, in fact at the same Council meeting Councillors approved a sign project costing $880,000 in development charges for 4 'NW' Northwood Business Park signs. It begs the real question, is this best use for this $880,000 development charge money, 4 signs to oddly mark where large corporations like Broccolini and Panattoni are building storage warehouses?? As a friend recently said, couldn't Oshawa Council just have put a Northwood Business Park rider on the Conlin Rd and Thornton Rd street signs at far less a cost. This could free up the DC $880,000 from reserves to pay for a new or redeveloped neighbourhood park with splash pad? I know the public is happy to stand behind the six Oshawa letters to celebrate their City, I can't say the same for the NW signs.
Besides 'marking' the Northwood Business Park could be done costing much less and more effectively with riders on the Conlin Rd and Thornton Rd. area street signs. That would free up the $880,000 in Development Charges Reserves for a new or redeveloped City neighbourhood park with splash pad, playground equipment and shade canopy over park tables and benches!
Meanwhile, it is embarrassing to think members of Council would renege on an agreement and staff recommendation to allow the dedicated community group to gather donations for an Oshawa sign to be placed in the King and Centre St. parkette.