Two articles in the past two days (from Globe & Mail and Time) are definitely worth reading on why the RAPID ANTIGEN KIT testing for COVID-10 with results in minutes CAN HELP STOP THE SPREAD.
On Oct 30th and Nov 1st, in just TWO DAYS, Slovakia, a Central European country with a population of almost 6 million, close to half the population of Ontario, tested 2/3rd of its population with the rapid antigen kits. Yes, in TWO DAYS.
"Reports have caused confusion stating that rapid antigen tests do not work as well in asymptomatics—this is a myth. The confusion is when antigen tests are compared to PCR. The PCR test detects virus RNA—which exists during the week or so of contagious infection, but also lingers in the nose for weeks or sometimes months afterwards...Unlike PCR, antigen tests detect live virus, not just the virus’ genetic material. SO ANTIGEN TESTS ARE ACTUALLY MEANT TO DISAGREE WITH POSITIVE PCR RESULTS AS SOON AS THE PERSON IS NO LONGER CONTAGIOUS. This also implies that antigen tests may even be more accurate than PCR, not less, when the goal of testing is to screen seemingly healthy people for presence of live, contagious virus."
Strips of paper you wipe your nose with in your own home, drop in a tube and read the result like a pregnancy test. The two articles We Can Stop the Spread by CHRISTMAS read with what Slovakia has done SHOUT OUT to the Canadian government and Provinces to act on implementing the Rapid Antigen Kit ASAP.
On Oct 30th and Nov 1st, in just TWO DAYS, Slovakia, a Central European country with a population of almost 6 million, close to half the population of Ontario, tested 2/3rd of its population with the rapid antigen kits. Yes, in TWO DAYS.
"Reports have caused confusion stating that rapid antigen tests do not work as well in asymptomatics—this is a myth. The confusion is when antigen tests are compared to PCR. The PCR test detects virus RNA—which exists during the week or so of contagious infection, but also lingers in the nose for weeks or sometimes months afterwards...Unlike PCR, antigen tests detect live virus, not just the virus’ genetic material. SO ANTIGEN TESTS ARE ACTUALLY MEANT TO DISAGREE WITH POSITIVE PCR RESULTS AS SOON AS THE PERSON IS NO LONGER CONTAGIOUS. This also implies that antigen tests may even be more accurate than PCR, not less, when the goal of testing is to screen seemingly healthy people for presence of live, contagious virus."
Strips of paper you wipe your nose with in your own home, drop in a tube and read the result like a pregnancy test. The two articles We Can Stop the Spread by CHRISTMAS read with what Slovakia has done SHOUT OUT to the Canadian government and Provinces to act on implementing the Rapid Antigen Kit ASAP.