The Monday April 8th Standing Committee meeting Agenda has a Report on the infill subdivision plan for the Maxwell Village area on the east side of Harmony Rd., south of Swiss Height and north of Pinecrest Rd. It is Report: ED-24-42 linked here: and comprises the plan for 78 units (being 33 detached dwellings, 24semis & 21 townhouses) to be built.
So far there are 2 resident delegations request to speak to Committee plus representatives of Evans Planning and GHD for the developer Icon Harmony Limited . The deadline to request an in-person delegation to Monday's ED Committee is 4:00 p.m. today, Friday April 5, 2024.
Since the last weekend's Easter holiday many residents wrote Council members and the emails steadily continue to come in. They are politely written, aware that the development will be coming, but it seems the majority are most concerned about the safety of the road access/egress to the new development and have been seeking more consideration on this issue.
The 31 page report is detailed and explains a lot of the changes that have taken place since the draft plan of subdivision had a public Planning Act meeting last year, Jan 9, 2023.
Also below is a copy of the revised PowerPoint Oshawa Council members just received today which I understand the consultant for the developer Icon Harmony Limited will be presenting at Monday's meeting.
Since the Jan 9, 2023 meeting number of units have increased from 73 to 78, basically because the mix is a bit different, 6 more townhouses, 2 more semis and 3 less detached, ...and the small parkette is a bit larger, from 5K sq.ft to just over 7K sq.ft. and some changes to the building heights. However, most obvious in the site plan attachments to the Report ED-24-41 are where the site plans (copied below) change the access/egress into the subdivision, with the direct Harmony Rd. access removed.
The report goes into great detail on the iterations and the combined Region, City and developer's consideration to the road access/egress issue. They can be found on page on page 2 c) and pages 9, 10 and 11. (see copy of some of the statements in the report re the Harmony Rd and Pinecrest traffic considerations and some of the reasons for the revisions.
So far there are 2 resident delegations request to speak to Committee plus representatives of Evans Planning and GHD for the developer Icon Harmony Limited . The deadline to request an in-person delegation to Monday's ED Committee is 4:00 p.m. today, Friday April 5, 2024.
Since the last weekend's Easter holiday many residents wrote Council members and the emails steadily continue to come in. They are politely written, aware that the development will be coming, but it seems the majority are most concerned about the safety of the road access/egress to the new development and have been seeking more consideration on this issue.
The 31 page report is detailed and explains a lot of the changes that have taken place since the draft plan of subdivision had a public Planning Act meeting last year, Jan 9, 2023.
Also below is a copy of the revised PowerPoint Oshawa Council members just received today which I understand the consultant for the developer Icon Harmony Limited will be presenting at Monday's meeting.
Since the Jan 9, 2023 meeting number of units have increased from 73 to 78, basically because the mix is a bit different, 6 more townhouses, 2 more semis and 3 less detached, ...and the small parkette is a bit larger, from 5K sq.ft to just over 7K sq.ft. and some changes to the building heights. However, most obvious in the site plan attachments to the Report ED-24-41 are where the site plans (copied below) change the access/egress into the subdivision, with the direct Harmony Rd. access removed.
The report goes into great detail on the iterations and the combined Region, City and developer's consideration to the road access/egress issue. They can be found on page on page 2 c) and pages 9, 10 and 11. (see copy of some of the statements in the report re the Harmony Rd and Pinecrest traffic considerations and some of the reasons for the revisions.
From REPORT ED-24-42, Page 2, paragraph (c) The original site design proposed a driveway access on Pinecrest Rd and an emergency access only on Harmony Rd N. In response to concerns from the existing neighbourhood with respect to traffic impacts, the Applicant subsequently revised the site design in an attempt to make the driveway on Harmony Road North an open full movement driveway access. Ultimately, it was determined that the road geometry and sight distance conditions along the adjacent segment of Harmony Rd N render most turning movements from this access unsafe. The development does not require an emergency access or more than one driveway access. The Applicant is now proposing a single driveway access for the proposed development, which will be located on Pinecrest Rd.
Bottom of page 3 and top of page 4 The Applicant and Department staff, working with the Region of Durham, attempted to find ways to minimize the need for vehicular traffic to and from the proposed development to drive through the existing surrounding neighbourhood. However, due to the design and characteristics of the adjacent sections of Harmony Rd N and Pinecrest Rd, it was not possible to implement alternative driveway access designs.
From Page 7 and top of page 8 The revised proposal features a full movement driveway access on Pinecrest Road only, with no direct access on Harmony Rd N.
An additional driveway access is only required where the furthest point on a private road or public road is greater than 250 metres (820.21 ft.) from a single access point. In this case, the furthest point on the private road from the driveway access on Pinecrest Rd is approximately 230 metres (754 ft.). Consequently, only one driveway is required for emergency service access. The site design complies with the City’s private road design standards including minimum private road width and radii for fire truck access, minimum building setbacks from the fire route (private road), and Fire Route/No Parking signs posted alongside the entire private road.
The intersection of Harmony Rd N and Pinecrest Rd permits right-in and right-out movements only. Drivers exiting the proposed development that wish to travel southbound on Harmony Road N would have to drive east along Pinecrest Road through the existing neighbourhood to access intersections that permit left turns onto Harmony Rd N (Swiss Height or Grand Ridge Ave). Alternatively, they could exit onto Pinecrest Rd, turn right onto northbound Harmony Road North, turn onto Taunton Rd E and then turn south on another arterial road such as Ritson Rd N or Grandview St N.
Southbound drivers on Harmony Road North intending to access the proposed development would have to turn left onto Swiss Height or Grand Ridge Avenue and then access the site via Pinecrest Road.
The Applicant hired GHD, a professional consulting company with transportation engineering expertise, to prepare a Transportation Impact Study (“T.I.S.”) which was submitted in support of the revised applications. (T.I.S. data included)
Pages 9, 10 & 11 Professional traffic engineering staff at both the City & Region of Durham reviewed the T.I.S. and have no objections to the methodology or the key conclusions noted above with respect to a single driveway access on Pinecrest Rd.
The initial applications received by staff in November 2022 and considered at the January 9, 2023 public meeting (see Attachment 3) proposed a full turning movement driveway access on Pinecrest Rd and an emergency vehicle access only on Harmony Rd N. The Region would allow an emergency access on Harmony Rd N. However, the City’s Fire Services does not support new permanent emergency accesses.
In response the neighbourhood’s concerns about the potential impact of traffic generated by the proposed development on local roads, the Applicant’s second submission (received in June 2023) redesigned the northwest corner of the Subject Site in an attempt to provide a full movement driveway access on Harmony Rd N.
Between June 2023 &January 2024, the City, Region and Applicant worked collaboratively to assess the feasibility of the proposed full movement driveway access on Harmony Rd N. In support of the revised access the Applicant submitted a sightline assessment prepared by GHD. Ultimately it was determined by the Region that the road geometry and sight distance conditions, combined with the existing traffic volumes and speeds on the arterial road, lack of appropriate left turn lane width south of Swiss Height, lack of a left turn refuge lane within Harmony Rd N, and proximity of the potential driveway to the Swiss Height intersection render all turning movements directly to or from Harmony Rd N unsafe for drivers except right-out turns. Because future residents will be able to turn right onto Harmony Rd N from Pinecrest Rd, providing an additional right-out only access on Harmony Rd N would not reduce traffic through the neighbourhood.
Between January 2024 and March 2024, at the request of City staff, the Region of Durham assessed the feasibility of providing a signalized intersection at Harmony Road North and Pinecrest Road to reduce potential traffic through the neighbourhood. Through this assessment it was determined that the necessary sightlines for a signalized intersection are not available for northbound traffic and would result in an increased risk of rear-end and turning movement collisions at the proposed signal. Constructing a signalized intersection at this location would also require widening Harmony Road North on both approaches to accommodate a left turn lane and a divisional island. This would be technically challenging and very costly given the steep slopes on both sides of Harmony Road North in the area and the need to relocate utility poles, potentially install a guiderail system and construct new retaining walls. Furthermore, the spacing of the proposed signalized intersection does not comply with the Region of Durham’s guidelines for signalized intersections on Type “A” Arterial Roads [700m (2,297 ft.)] and would result in traffic delays on Harmony Rd N. For these reasons, a signalized intersection at Harmony Road N and Pinecrest Rd is not feasible, and not supported by the Region.
Between January 2024 and February 2024, at the request of City staff, the Region of Durham also assessed the feasibility of providing protected signalized advance U-turns on Harmony Road North at each of the signalized intersections at Beatrice Street East and Grand Ridge Avenue to reduce traffic through the neighbourhood by providing an intentional U-turn option for drivers driving to or from the Subject Site. To accommodate protected U-turns, both signalized intersections would need to be widened to include a third receiving lane to provide sufficient space for the U-turn movement to happen in a single stage. Otherwise, a three-point turn may be required at the end of the movement for many vehicles, which would block the intersection and create an unsafe condition. Widening the road would require the relocation of utility poles and the acquisition of property. Implementing a split phase signal is not feasible due to the excessive traffic delays on Harmony Road North that would occur as a result. For these reasons, advance protected U-turns cannot be provided at these intersections, and are not supported by the Region.
Lastly, between January 2024 and February 2024, Traffic and Streetlighting Services investigated the feasibility of a directional closure on Pinecrest Rd to prevent traffic exiting the proposed development from traveling east through the neighbourhood. The Oshawa Neighbourhood Traffic Management Guide defines a directional closure as a curb extension or barrier which extends to the centerline of a road to prohibit traffic in one direction of travel for the purpose of reducing traffic volume. The proposed directional closure would prevent drivers exiting the proposed development from travelling east through the existing neighbourhood; drivers would only be able to exit the development and travel west directly to Harmony Rd N. Westbound traffic along Pinecrest Rd would be uninterrupted by the directional closure.
It was determined that the directional closure would create a safety risk as the low volume of traffic on Pinecrest Road will encourage drivers to disobey the closure by driving around it in the opposite lane, which has reduced visibility due to the horizontal and vertical curve of Pinecrest Road at this location. The directional closure would also inconvenience existing residents residing beyond the closure, who would have to drive further to reach their homes, and would likely shift traffic onto other nearby streets. It was also noted that the projected peak hour traffic volumes generated by the proposed development are not significant and that Pinecrest Road and Swiss Height will be able to accommodate the increased traffic. The directional closure would have prevented 16 vehicle trips from the Subject Site during the morning peak hour and 9 trips from the Subject Site during the afternoon peak hour from driving east along Pinecrest Rd, but would have added trips from the existing neighbourhood onto portions of Pinecrest Road and other streets that would not have otherwise used those roads. For these reasons, a directional closure on Pinecrest Road is not feasible.
As a result of these discussions and assessments, the Applicant has redesigned the proposal again to maintain one driveway access on Pinecrest Rd with no access of any sort directly onto Harmony Rd N.
The circumstances that prevent a full movement driveway on Harmony Road N exist regardless of the number of residential units or the types of units proposed in the development. In the event the revised applications are approved, traffic calming measures in the existing neighbourhood can be explored once the proposed development is complete and speeding issues, if any, can be assessed to determine appropriate mitigation measures.
Bottom of page 3 and top of page 4 The Applicant and Department staff, working with the Region of Durham, attempted to find ways to minimize the need for vehicular traffic to and from the proposed development to drive through the existing surrounding neighbourhood. However, due to the design and characteristics of the adjacent sections of Harmony Rd N and Pinecrest Rd, it was not possible to implement alternative driveway access designs.
From Page 7 and top of page 8 The revised proposal features a full movement driveway access on Pinecrest Road only, with no direct access on Harmony Rd N.
An additional driveway access is only required where the furthest point on a private road or public road is greater than 250 metres (820.21 ft.) from a single access point. In this case, the furthest point on the private road from the driveway access on Pinecrest Rd is approximately 230 metres (754 ft.). Consequently, only one driveway is required for emergency service access. The site design complies with the City’s private road design standards including minimum private road width and radii for fire truck access, minimum building setbacks from the fire route (private road), and Fire Route/No Parking signs posted alongside the entire private road.
The intersection of Harmony Rd N and Pinecrest Rd permits right-in and right-out movements only. Drivers exiting the proposed development that wish to travel southbound on Harmony Road N would have to drive east along Pinecrest Road through the existing neighbourhood to access intersections that permit left turns onto Harmony Rd N (Swiss Height or Grand Ridge Ave). Alternatively, they could exit onto Pinecrest Rd, turn right onto northbound Harmony Road North, turn onto Taunton Rd E and then turn south on another arterial road such as Ritson Rd N or Grandview St N.
Southbound drivers on Harmony Road North intending to access the proposed development would have to turn left onto Swiss Height or Grand Ridge Avenue and then access the site via Pinecrest Road.
The Applicant hired GHD, a professional consulting company with transportation engineering expertise, to prepare a Transportation Impact Study (“T.I.S.”) which was submitted in support of the revised applications. (T.I.S. data included)
Pages 9, 10 & 11 Professional traffic engineering staff at both the City & Region of Durham reviewed the T.I.S. and have no objections to the methodology or the key conclusions noted above with respect to a single driveway access on Pinecrest Rd.
The initial applications received by staff in November 2022 and considered at the January 9, 2023 public meeting (see Attachment 3) proposed a full turning movement driveway access on Pinecrest Rd and an emergency vehicle access only on Harmony Rd N. The Region would allow an emergency access on Harmony Rd N. However, the City’s Fire Services does not support new permanent emergency accesses.
In response the neighbourhood’s concerns about the potential impact of traffic generated by the proposed development on local roads, the Applicant’s second submission (received in June 2023) redesigned the northwest corner of the Subject Site in an attempt to provide a full movement driveway access on Harmony Rd N.
Between June 2023 &January 2024, the City, Region and Applicant worked collaboratively to assess the feasibility of the proposed full movement driveway access on Harmony Rd N. In support of the revised access the Applicant submitted a sightline assessment prepared by GHD. Ultimately it was determined by the Region that the road geometry and sight distance conditions, combined with the existing traffic volumes and speeds on the arterial road, lack of appropriate left turn lane width south of Swiss Height, lack of a left turn refuge lane within Harmony Rd N, and proximity of the potential driveway to the Swiss Height intersection render all turning movements directly to or from Harmony Rd N unsafe for drivers except right-out turns. Because future residents will be able to turn right onto Harmony Rd N from Pinecrest Rd, providing an additional right-out only access on Harmony Rd N would not reduce traffic through the neighbourhood.
Between January 2024 and March 2024, at the request of City staff, the Region of Durham assessed the feasibility of providing a signalized intersection at Harmony Road North and Pinecrest Road to reduce potential traffic through the neighbourhood. Through this assessment it was determined that the necessary sightlines for a signalized intersection are not available for northbound traffic and would result in an increased risk of rear-end and turning movement collisions at the proposed signal. Constructing a signalized intersection at this location would also require widening Harmony Road North on both approaches to accommodate a left turn lane and a divisional island. This would be technically challenging and very costly given the steep slopes on both sides of Harmony Road North in the area and the need to relocate utility poles, potentially install a guiderail system and construct new retaining walls. Furthermore, the spacing of the proposed signalized intersection does not comply with the Region of Durham’s guidelines for signalized intersections on Type “A” Arterial Roads [700m (2,297 ft.)] and would result in traffic delays on Harmony Rd N. For these reasons, a signalized intersection at Harmony Road N and Pinecrest Rd is not feasible, and not supported by the Region.
Between January 2024 and February 2024, at the request of City staff, the Region of Durham also assessed the feasibility of providing protected signalized advance U-turns on Harmony Road North at each of the signalized intersections at Beatrice Street East and Grand Ridge Avenue to reduce traffic through the neighbourhood by providing an intentional U-turn option for drivers driving to or from the Subject Site. To accommodate protected U-turns, both signalized intersections would need to be widened to include a third receiving lane to provide sufficient space for the U-turn movement to happen in a single stage. Otherwise, a three-point turn may be required at the end of the movement for many vehicles, which would block the intersection and create an unsafe condition. Widening the road would require the relocation of utility poles and the acquisition of property. Implementing a split phase signal is not feasible due to the excessive traffic delays on Harmony Road North that would occur as a result. For these reasons, advance protected U-turns cannot be provided at these intersections, and are not supported by the Region.
Lastly, between January 2024 and February 2024, Traffic and Streetlighting Services investigated the feasibility of a directional closure on Pinecrest Rd to prevent traffic exiting the proposed development from traveling east through the neighbourhood. The Oshawa Neighbourhood Traffic Management Guide defines a directional closure as a curb extension or barrier which extends to the centerline of a road to prohibit traffic in one direction of travel for the purpose of reducing traffic volume. The proposed directional closure would prevent drivers exiting the proposed development from travelling east through the existing neighbourhood; drivers would only be able to exit the development and travel west directly to Harmony Rd N. Westbound traffic along Pinecrest Rd would be uninterrupted by the directional closure.
It was determined that the directional closure would create a safety risk as the low volume of traffic on Pinecrest Road will encourage drivers to disobey the closure by driving around it in the opposite lane, which has reduced visibility due to the horizontal and vertical curve of Pinecrest Road at this location. The directional closure would also inconvenience existing residents residing beyond the closure, who would have to drive further to reach their homes, and would likely shift traffic onto other nearby streets. It was also noted that the projected peak hour traffic volumes generated by the proposed development are not significant and that Pinecrest Road and Swiss Height will be able to accommodate the increased traffic. The directional closure would have prevented 16 vehicle trips from the Subject Site during the morning peak hour and 9 trips from the Subject Site during the afternoon peak hour from driving east along Pinecrest Rd, but would have added trips from the existing neighbourhood onto portions of Pinecrest Road and other streets that would not have otherwise used those roads. For these reasons, a directional closure on Pinecrest Road is not feasible.
As a result of these discussions and assessments, the Applicant has redesigned the proposal again to maintain one driveway access on Pinecrest Rd with no access of any sort directly onto Harmony Rd N.
The circumstances that prevent a full movement driveway on Harmony Road N exist regardless of the number of residential units or the types of units proposed in the development. In the event the revised applications are approved, traffic calming measures in the existing neighbourhood can be explored once the proposed development is complete and speeding issues, if any, can be assessed to determine appropriate mitigation measures.