The Region of Durham has awarded contract D2018-054 for the reconstruction of Simcoe Street from 500 metres south of Winchester Road to 250 metres north of Winchester Road and Winchester Road from 320 metres west of Simcoe Street to 410 metres east of Simcoe Street. Work includes roadway reconstruction, additional through and right turn lanes, new curb and gutter, traffic signal reconstruction, street lighting and hydro duct banks.
Unfavourable weather conditions may influence the work schedule.
During peak commute times, one lane in each direction will be maintained on Simcoe Street and on Winchester Road. On weekdays, between 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., lanes may be reduced to a single lane when necessary. Some grading and paving work within the intersection will occur at night to avoid disruption of traffic flows during peak hours. The Region realizes that the construction work will be disruptive and will make every effort to complete the work as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Following the intersection works the Region will proceed with widening Simcoe Street, from north of Conlin Road to south of Winchester Road. The widening project to four lanes (plus turning lanes) will also include two new traffic signals (at Windfields Farm Drive and at Northern Dancer Drive), sidewalks/multi-use paths, and street lighting. As a preparation for this widening, utility relocation work is taking place along the corridor.
To improve traffic safety, the Region is also working towards the designation of a Community Safety Zone on Simcoe Street from Niagara Drive/Selleck Lane to north of Conlin Road (Campus Ice Centre access), which would allow for doubling of fines for certain Highway Traffic Act offences (e.g. speeding). A review of the posted speed limits is also under way.
For updates and more information you can look this project up at: durham.ca/WorksProjects For questions contact
Ralph Wilson Project Supervisor 289-928-2642 [email protected]
Unfavourable weather conditions may influence the work schedule.
During peak commute times, one lane in each direction will be maintained on Simcoe Street and on Winchester Road. On weekdays, between 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., lanes may be reduced to a single lane when necessary. Some grading and paving work within the intersection will occur at night to avoid disruption of traffic flows during peak hours. The Region realizes that the construction work will be disruptive and will make every effort to complete the work as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Following the intersection works the Region will proceed with widening Simcoe Street, from north of Conlin Road to south of Winchester Road. The widening project to four lanes (plus turning lanes) will also include two new traffic signals (at Windfields Farm Drive and at Northern Dancer Drive), sidewalks/multi-use paths, and street lighting. As a preparation for this widening, utility relocation work is taking place along the corridor.
To improve traffic safety, the Region is also working towards the designation of a Community Safety Zone on Simcoe Street from Niagara Drive/Selleck Lane to north of Conlin Road (Campus Ice Centre access), which would allow for doubling of fines for certain Highway Traffic Act offences (e.g. speeding). A review of the posted speed limits is also under way.
For updates and more information you can look this project up at: durham.ca/WorksProjects For questions contact
Ralph Wilson Project Supervisor 289-928-2642 [email protected]