For the backstory know that the concept and design plan for Kedron Part II Planning area was started in 2007. It is a vast area of Oshawa, between Ritson Rd. and Wilson Rd. and Harmony Road and Grandview Ave and Townline Rd, north of Conlin Rd. including the lands north of a future extension of Britannia Ave. E. and north to a future east west not-yet-named arterial road. The land use plan was fully approved by Council in 2014 and forms part of the City's Official Plan. The 27 acre community park not only is needed because the City of Oshawa has acknowledged there is a deficiency of a major new park site, but because the area was planned with only 2 neighbourhood parks (approx 4 acres) and 11 parkettes (of approx 1 acre) The current owners of the lands where the Community Park is to be located both knew this was the plan for over a decade when they purchased their tracts. The one bought the 107 acre property where the 16 acre east section of the Community Park all along was planned to be located in 2016 and the other bought the 40 acre property which should have the Community Park west section just 6 months ago. In fact that purchase was only 2 months after the Sept 29, 2019 Development Services Committee meeting which considered the staff report option to investigate the developer's request to relocate the 27 acre Community Park to another site, one outside the City's urban boundary, which means it will be constructed in the more distant future. | They want to take away a planned 27 acre community park? Shelve it for later? When planning for people in high density places did they forget nature? People need more trees and grass and open places, especially with lessons learned from the pandemic. Certainly now is not the time to abandon this key element of the vast Kedron Part II Planning area. If you are concerned about the developer's request to remove a long-time planned 27 acre park plan which will benefit all of Oshawa, email [email protected] before the electronic Public Planning Meeting this Thursday June 25 @6:30 p.m. At this point in time, after 1) 13 years of planning, now 2) with some of the land east of Ritson Rd. opposite Kedron Dells Golf Course, and some of the land north of Conlin between Wilson Rd. and Harmony currently being cleared of topsoil, and advancing to the road infrastructure stage, and 3) with pavilions being installed to open for sales sometime soon for the planned for major growth, and 4) with 5 of the 10 major plans of subdivision now approved (4 of them at the previous Council's September 2018 last Council meeting, one month before the 2018 election, and one approved by this Council in 2019, and 3 more expected to be before Council before the end of 2020, 5) and all the other developer owners in compliance with the location of the 2 neighbourhood parks and 10 of the 11 parkettes, here the City has Minto and Sorbara requesting a BIG change. Why, really for something better?...I think not. There will be parks in the area where they both own land north of Kedron Part II...taking a Community Park our of Kedron Part II is inexcusable. In my opinion, to shelve the original Community Park planned size and location is not in the public interest although it may serve the property owners well, indeed it does not serve the residents of Oshawa well at all. |