Here is a link to the 34 page Development Services staff Report DS-21-151 that is on the Agenda for Monday's 1:30 p.m. Development Services Committee meeting: http://app.oshawa.ca/agendas/development_services/2021/09-13/report_ds-21-151.pdf The Report is concerning the Committee of Adjustment Decision on the Greenhill Ave Corner Lot Site Plan Minor Variances, and the positions the City can take, if any, on the Appeal of that Decision to the Ontario Land Tribunal.
On page 2 of the Report is the Staff recommendation to City Council:
2.0 That, pursuant to Report DS-21-151 dated September 8, 2021, the Ontario Land Tribunal be advised that City Council supports the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve application A-2021-46 to permit reduced front and exterior side yard depths for a proposed two-storey mixed-use building at 633 Greenhill Avenue but that the City will not seek party or participant status at the Ontario Land Tribunal hearing.
Attachment 9 (pages 21-34) is the Greenhill area resident's appeal of the Committee of Adjustments decision, which contains a list of the Appellant's reasons for the appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal:
I have to say I am still troubled by the City not allowing Greenhill area correspondence and delegation requests from concerned residents on this matter at the DSC meeting Monday afternoon.
Questions I'd like to know the answers to, so I asked City staff today:
1) How many Oshawa residents submitted correspondence concerning 633 Greenhill Ave for the upcoming meeting?
2) How many Oshawa residents requested to speak at the meeting?
3) Is it staff's determination that one person filing an appeal to the Tribunal prevents any other residents of Oshawa from speaking to their Mayor and Council members at a public Development Services Committee meeting about a proposed project?
4) Would staff's determination be the same, if a developer files an appeal of a C of A decision to the Tribunal, that residents of Oshawa would be prevented from speaking about the proposed project at a DSC meeting to Mayor and Council?
5) Does staff's determination under Section 6c) of the Council Procedural By-law as to what constitutes an “ongoing legal proceeding” preclude members of Committee or Council from taking the opportunity under a 2/3 vote to waive the Rules and hear Oshawa residents who requested delegations? and also vote on receiving their correspondence to be included in the public record?
On page 2 of the Report is the Staff recommendation to City Council:
2.0 That, pursuant to Report DS-21-151 dated September 8, 2021, the Ontario Land Tribunal be advised that City Council supports the decision of the Committee of Adjustment to approve application A-2021-46 to permit reduced front and exterior side yard depths for a proposed two-storey mixed-use building at 633 Greenhill Avenue but that the City will not seek party or participant status at the Ontario Land Tribunal hearing.
Attachment 9 (pages 21-34) is the Greenhill area resident's appeal of the Committee of Adjustments decision, which contains a list of the Appellant's reasons for the appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal:
I have to say I am still troubled by the City not allowing Greenhill area correspondence and delegation requests from concerned residents on this matter at the DSC meeting Monday afternoon.
Questions I'd like to know the answers to, so I asked City staff today:
1) How many Oshawa residents submitted correspondence concerning 633 Greenhill Ave for the upcoming meeting?
2) How many Oshawa residents requested to speak at the meeting?
3) Is it staff's determination that one person filing an appeal to the Tribunal prevents any other residents of Oshawa from speaking to their Mayor and Council members at a public Development Services Committee meeting about a proposed project?
4) Would staff's determination be the same, if a developer files an appeal of a C of A decision to the Tribunal, that residents of Oshawa would be prevented from speaking about the proposed project at a DSC meeting to Mayor and Council?
5) Does staff's determination under Section 6c) of the Council Procedural By-law as to what constitutes an “ongoing legal proceeding” preclude members of Committee or Council from taking the opportunity under a 2/3 vote to waive the Rules and hear Oshawa residents who requested delegations? and also vote on receiving their correspondence to be included in the public record?